Suffah Intellectual School

Islamic based education blended with latest technology

Hifz Ul Quran

Information technology is the study and use of systems for storing, retrieving, and sending information. This can include software, hardware, applications, and so much more.

The modern research provides the positive effects of technology in children’s learning and development, both cognitive and social. Technology can increase communication within the classroom and from classroom to home. Project-based learning helps students to collaborate, review and use data. Students work in groups on the computer, seeking help from each other instead of the teacher which helps in improving communication and cooperation. The use of internet brings a whole new world of educational resources and teaching aid. It is also an integral part of the world we live in. Teaching students how to use technology to learn, research, collaborate and solve problem from an early age will better prepare them for their careers. The more familiar we make computers to our youngest learner, the easier time they will have using computers as they get older and enter into professional fields. In addition to these computer skills, students can gain information about how to use the internet safely and effectively in a controlled environment. At Suffah Intellectual school we don’t just provide technology resources for our students. Technology is carefully integrated in every classroom curriculum on a daily basis as part of the overall classroom plan. • Now 20 up to date Computer machines are allocated in a computer lab in a safe environment where students are taught to use computers in an appropriate way with safety instructions.

• The laboratory is properly ventilated and the room is well lit with reliable power supply.

• Computers are used to extend the curriculum, offering exploration and additional learning opportunities of concepts and subjects.

• Computer study is based on more practical approach than the theoretical summarization.